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GERICS Climate Signal Maps global

Climate Signal Maps are intended to provide easy understandable information about the robustness of projected climate change.

The method is described in the following paper:
Robustness of Ensemble Climate Projections Analyzed with Climate Signal Maps: Seasonal and Extreme Precipitation for Germany

Article on GERICS Climate Signal Maps: "Identifying climate change hotspots"

read the article

Examples for global Climate Signal Maps

CSM Decrease in the mean number of wet days per year Decrease in the mean number of wet days per year (5,5 MB)

CSM Increase in the occurrence of warm days per year Increase in the occurrence of warm days per year (6,6 MB)

CSM Increase in the occurrence of very wet days per year Increase in the occurrence of very wet days per year (6,9 MB)

CSM Increase in the occurrence of extremely wet days per year Increase in the occurrence of extremely wet days per year (7,2 MB)

CSM Increase in the duration of extended dry periods per year Increase in the duration of extended dry periods per year (5,3 MB)

CSM Decrease in the occurrence of cold days per year Decrease in the occurence of cold days per year (7,4 MB)

CSM Increase in annual number of days with more than 20mm/day of precipitation Increase in annual number of days with more than 20mm/day of precipitation (6,0 MB)

CSM annual total precipitation Change in annual total precipitation (2,0 MB)


Dr. Susanne Pfeifer

Tel: +49 (0) 40 226 338 428

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