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GERICS at the ICUC10

The largest urban climate conference worldwide

GERICS scientists presented their research at the 10th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC10) which took place in New York from August 6th-10th 2018, being the largest urban climate conference worldwide(~600 participants).

BettinaSteuri talked about the co-development process and transidsciplinary challenges to ensure a high-resolution urban climate model´s practicability. Within the framework of the research project [UC]2-Urban Climate Under Change she also gave a presentation about the subproject UseUClim at the German Center for Research and Innovation.

Gaby Langendijk auf der ICUC10

Gaby Langendijk at the ICUC10 © GERICS

Gaby Langendijk gave an overview on urban climate models and their use in regional climate models that participated in the EURO-CORDEX project.

The possible impact of urban areas on regional and global climate was discussed by Peter Hoffmann using the results of a climate model coupled to an urban parameterization. The conference showcased the ongoing research that could feed into the development of climate services tailored for urban areas.

Webpage ICUC10