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100th AGU Fall Meeting

GERICS scientists participated the AGU 100

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AGU's annual autumn meeting brings together leading scientists and junior researchers, as well as government and private sector representatives, to present the latest research, share scientific progress, and discuss with the scientific community of Earth and Space scientists.

The now hundredth AGU Fall Meeting took place from 10-14 December 2018 in Washington, D.C. More than 24,000 participants from 113 countries took part in the anniversary event.

Irene-Fischer Bruns presented the GERICS, his tasks and products as part of an E-lightning presentation titled "Science for Solutions" in the session "Science to Action Beyond Partnerships". Armelle Remedio gave a presentation "Evaluation of REMO on 10 CORDEX-CORE Domains using the Koeppen-Trewartha Climate Classification" in the Regional Climate Modeling Session.

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