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Side Event: Nature-based adaptation to climate change in cities

On Thursday, December 5, 2019, the event will demonstrate how Nature-based solutions (NBS) can contribute to adaptation to climate change. At the same time it will show how NBS will be affected in climate change conditions. The event will draw on the experience of practitioners, recent research and co-creation processes. GERICS scientist María Máñez will give a presentation on "NBS in climate change conditions – practical examples from Cities".

Further information about the side event (248 KB)

Side Event: City-level capacity-building for resilience

On Saturday, December 7, 2019, a panel discussion on "City level capacity-building for resilience" will take place within the framework of a COP-Side event, in which GERICS scientist María Máñez will participate.

Further information about the side event

Early Career scientists and IPCC Scholarship

On Wednesday, December 11, 2019, GERICS scientist Tania Guillén Bolaños will coordinate the event "Early Career scientists and IPCC Scholarship" in the IPCC-WMO Science Pavilion.

IPCC-WMO Science Pavilion Programm

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