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New publication: Social tipping dynamics for stabilizing Earth’s climate by 2050

Co-authored by GERICS staff member Roger Cremades

In a joint press release, PIK Potsdam reports on the new study, which was published in PNAS on Tuesday 21, 2020.

Tipping mechanisms could spark societal change towards climate stabilization


Limiting global warming to well below 2°C requires a decarbonized world by 2050 at the latest and a corresponding global transformation of the energy and land use systems of societies across the world. To achieve this goal of net-zero carbon by 2050 emissions need to be cut by half every decade from now on. An interdisciplinary team of researchers now explored tipping mechanisms that have the potential to spark rapid yet constructive societal changes towards climate stabilization and overall sustainability. These tipping elements and mechanisms could bring about a transition that is fast enough for meeting the targets of the Paris climate agreement.

Read the press release from PIK Potsdam

The article "Tipping mechanisms could spark societal change towards climate stabilization" in PNAS