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Dr. Markus Groth

Markus Groth (2023)

Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 409
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Markus Groth works as a science officer at the business and society department at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS). He is primarily concerned with i) impacts of climate change on the energy sector and other "critical" infrastructures, ii) analyzing the political framework of the German energy transition ("Energiewende") in order to take account of climate change impacts, iii) the identification and classification of climate change related opportunities and risks for companies, iv) the development of climate services for companies to integrate climate change into business strategies as well as v) the development of climate services for cities/municipalities to help them adapting adequately to the impacts of climate change.

Besides his work for GERICS Markus Groth acted as a visiting scientist and lecturer in the field of sustainability economics at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg from October 2014 to September 2017. In 2008 he was co-founder of the Förderverein Nachhaltigkeitsökonomie e.V., for which he still serves as honorary second chairman.

Previously, Markus Groth worked at the University of Göttingen, the University of Lüneburg and the University of Hamburg as a research assistant and lecturer in the fields of sustainability economics, environmental and resource economics, as well as energy and climate policy.

Detailed CV of Markus Groth (216 KB)