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Dr. Jairo Arturo Torres

Jairo Arturo Torres

Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 419
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Dr. Jairo Arturo Torres Matallana works as a scientist (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Climate Service Center Germany. Arturo works in the optimization of the interfaces between impact models and regional climate models, specifically definition and development of interfaces to impact models, e.g. hydrology models; development of Python based libraries for the GERICS “Climate Service Infrastructure”; development of new analysis methods; and application of AI methods to optimize the interface between climate models data and impact models.

After his Master in Hydraulic Resources in Bogotá (Colombia) Arturo worked in surface water quality modelling at the Water Resources Research Group (GIREH) at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá campus) and as a project coordinator at the Estudios y Asesorias Consultancy Company. He then was graduated as a Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies at the University of Münster (Germany) and the Nova University of Lisbon (Portugal) and worked in the Spatio-temporal Modelling group at the Institute for Geoinformatics (ifgi) at University of Münster. Most recently, he moved to the field of regional climate modeling and data analysis, employed in the projects CHAPEL, CRAKE, Clim4Vitis and VinoManAOP at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). There he time back received his doctorate jointly with the University of Wageningen (The Netherlands) with the topic: "Temporal uncertainty propagation analysis: A contribution towards sustainable urban water management". In recent years, Arturo has strengthened his knowledge in the data analysis of regional climate modeling and implementation of Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms for environmental modelling at the Agro-Environmental Systems Group of the Department for Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN), LIST, until he started his position at the Climate Service Center Germany.