IMPACT2C Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming
A so called “2°C reduction target” is a trigger for the research addressing climate
sensitivity, e.g., the actual relationship between a magnitude and timing of a “maximum allowable” atmospheric greenhouse gases concentration, and the resulting
(global) average warming of a maximum of 2°C. However, only very little work has
been done on consequences of such warming so far. Estimating the key impacts of
a 2°C climate change signal for different regions and sectors, both in Europe and
outside, was therefore the primary objective of the EU FP7 IMPACT2C project.
The team is made up of 17 nationalities and integrates the expertise of top climate scientists, sectoral impact specialists with both physical and economical backgrounds, and local specialists from the regions addressed.
GERICS was oroject coordinator and paticipated in different working groups.