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Multiscale Monitoring of Global Water Resources and Options for their Efficient and Sustainable Use (project acronym ViWa)

Within the BMBF funded activity Virtual Water Values (ViWa – coordinated by the LMU Munich) a complex observation and modelling system will be set up to estimate global to local scale water fluxes (physical and virtual) in order to provide guidance for the sustainable management of the - global to local scale - water resources, especially in connection with agricultural activities.

ViWa will provide praxis-relevant information to a series of stakeholder actively involved in the project that either operate on a global scale or in specific case study regions. Once the observation and modelling system is capable of reflecting current water fluxes under different management practices, scenarios of potential market behaviors and different climate situations (e.g. El Nino) will be developed in close cooperation with stakeholders and simulated with the system. Impacts of the scenarios on the water fluxes will be analyzed on a global scale and for a series of regional to local case studies. The findings will be iterated with various stakeholders and an adaptation of the scenarios will be made, if needed.

The developed system will be the first system that can explicitly simulate variations in water fluxes originating from different land management practices at a very fine spatial detail (1x1km) on a global scale. We will contribute to the activity via providing homogenized high-resolution climate input for current climate conditions with an almost global coverage. Furthermore, GERICS will be involved in the scenario process and in the analysis of impact of climate variability (e.g. El Nino) on the water fluxes.

For more information on the project please visit the official project webpage
Homepage VirtualWaterValues


Dr. Susanne Pfeifer

Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 428

E-mail contact