OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks
Extreme weather events can be perceived today already. Numerous climate projections indicate that weather extremes will be more pronounced in the future or will occur more frequently. A highly important issue in the European research landscape is how humans can adapt to climate change. Therefore, a specific focus is on identifying methods that are as cost-effective and sustainable as possible. For this reason, the European Commission has called for intensive research on nature-based solutions (NBS). One of the in the frame of EU Horizon 2020 funded activities is the project OPERANDUM. Here, within nine different Open Air Laboratories, shortly 'OALs', different NBS will be investigated to further integrative knowledge on NBS efficacy against hydro-meteorological risks.
The OPERANDUM project is led by Silvana Di Sabatino from the University of Bologna. GERICS, as a representative of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, is one of the 26 partners in OPERANDUM.
In OPERANDUM, we lead the modelling activities for the assessment and replication of nature-based solutions in the frame of climate change. This includes, amongst other things, the user-oriented processing of regional climate information.
We also lead the German open-air laboratory in OPERANDUM. Together with SWECO GmbH, the administration of the biosphere reserve "Niedersächsische Elbtalaue", as well as local stakeholders, we investigate nature-based solutions for the local Elbe region with regards to their local transferability and efficiency under changed climatic conditions.
- Report on baseline weather and future climate conditions for all OAL sites Bowyer, P., Pfeifer, S., Preuschmann, S., El-Zohbi, J., Korhonen, N., Tomozeiu, R., Thomson, C., Basu, B., and Zieher, T. (2020)
- 7th OPERANDUM webinbar - OAL Webinar 2: NBS for flood and drought mitigation Loupis, M., Toth, E., Pulvirenti, B., Basu, B., Prüter, J., and Preuschmann, S. (2021)
- Kooperatives Auenmanagement - praktische Umsetzung und Organisation einer Nature-Based Solution (NBS) zum Hochwasserschutz Preuschmann, S., Bowyer, P., Zohbi, J. El, Prüter, J., Keienburg, T., Schwarzer, O., and Jacob, D. (2021)
- A review of hydro-meteorological hazard, vulnerability, and risk assessment frameworks and indicators in the context of nature-based solutions Shah, M. A. R., Renaud, F. G., Anderson, C. C., Wild, A., Domeneghetti, A., Polderman, A., Votsis, A., Pulvirenti, B., Basu, B., Thomson, C., Panga, D., Pouta, E., Toth, E., Pilla, F., Sahani, J., Ommer, J., El Zohbi, J., Munro, K., Stefanopoulou, M., Loupis, M., Pangas, N., Kumar, P., Debele, S., Preuschmann, S., and Zixuan, W. (2020)
- Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) goes for Nature-Based Solutions El Zohbi, J., Gomez, E., and Preuschmann, S. (2019)