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DECM - final project meeting

The Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S) contract “Data Evaluation for Climate Models” (DECM) came to a successful conclusion at a final meeting with all contract partners on 14/15 November 2018. The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), the main contractor, invited all sub-contractors to Helsinki. GERICS colleagues Juliane Otto and Elisabeth Viktor participated.

The contract’s highlights were presented from the perspective of each sub-contractor and next steps were discussed both regarding an efficient handover of the results to the entity issuing the contract, the Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S) and regarding possible synergies to other C3S contracts.

Excellent feedback on the results was provided, especially on the way the user requirements regarding evaluation and quality control were collected, analysed and presented. This work was led by GERICS. Further, the development of the prototype to showcase a user-friendly tool for different possibilities to evaluate climate model output (led by MET Norway, was received very well. It was discussed if and how the functionalities of the prototype could be transferred to the Climate Data Store of C3S.

DECM Final Meeting Gruppe
DECM Prototyp DECM Project Webpage further information on DECM